Music, hello everyone! DJ here. I've been experiencing more camera problems, so I'm afraid it's audio only again this week. It's getting a bit irritating, this camera issue. For some reason, it shuts itself down after about four or five minutes of recording. So, I end up just talking to the microphone. Fortunately, I record a separate audio track, so you've at least got something for this week. Sorry about the camera problem. I'll continue trying to resolve it. Otherwise, I may have to see how well a camera does jumping out a window. Haha! So, in the meantime, enjoy this episode, and here we go! Hello everyone, DJ here, and once again I'm going to try this without a written script. I've just got a couple of bullet point notes, and we'll see how this goes. This week, I'd like to talk to you about a semi-retirement option. What if you don't want to drill anymore, but you still want to have the flexibility to do duty when you want or just coast for a while and then maybe come back? Well, there is an option available to you. It's called the Individual Ready Reserve. This is a very good option for some people and not a good option for others. In fact, I'll give you a story about both as I go along. First, let me describe how it works, and then you can make a decision for yourself. The Individual Ready Reserve is a non-drilling status which allows you to maintain a military status of sorts and offers the flexibility of coming back if you choose. But it's also a chance to rest and get yourself organized, all of those things that you didn't have time to do when you were either active duty or a drilling...
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Individual mobilization augmentee (ima)/handbook Form: What You Should Know
Page IMA Handbook — Marines The IMA handbook is designed to help the Marine Corps' Officer candidates and staffs with all the new IMA and related tasks, as well as provide you with guidance and advice as to the benefits of being a Marine.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Individual mobilization augmentee (ima)/handbook